Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Not all Israel is Israel (4th Day 44)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It has become such a pleasure for me to write to you each day, though sometimes I’m really at a loss for ideas about what to write. However, God said He would give me the words, so I will write.

Someone once asked me if I thought children of saved parents are also necessarily saved. I gave the answer, “No, each person must accept Christ on his or her own.” I gave the example of Samuel’s own sons who did evil in the eyes of the Lord. There were Eli’s sons as well who did evil. The Bible has many examples that show where the children do not automatically follow their parents’ footsteps. Paul in his letter to the Christians in Rome said not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. (Romans 9:6) Paul was saying that salvation cannot be inherited.

This “someone” was an expectant parent who naturally was concerned about her child. I told her that as parents we should do everything possible to teach our children about God. I said that one of the greatest blessings a parent can have is to know that their child is saved. And I believe that we serve God by bringing the gospel into the lives of our children.

One thing that I didn’t get a chance to say was that I believe (and I don’t know how this agrees with church doctrine) that young children are not accountable for their sin until they reach a certain mental capacity (some would say “age”, but I don’t think age applies in all cases) where they become cognizant of God and sin and the need to reconcile with God.

Now, those are really some very adult words and concepts, but I don’t know how else to say it. I believe that if a child dies before they reach that crossover point where they become personally responsible for their sin, they are baptize by the Holy Spirit and cleansed of their sins without a conscious decision to receive God’s Grace.

Again, I don’t know how that agrees with church doctrine, and I can’t find the topic specifically addressed in the Bible, but what the Bible does reveal about God is that He is our perfect Father that would die for us. God is Love. He is Mercy. He is Grace. The nature of God that He has revealed to us convinces us that there is no fear for the souls of small and innocent children.

As I have thought about it, if it were possible, I would give up my own salvation for my children if I thought I had to. I would make that sacrifice for them. Fortunately, I’ll never need to make that decision, but I know that I could not even if I wanted to. Only Jesus was able to take on our sins so that we may be saved. I understand a little better how the God felt when He made the decision to die for us; to take our sin.

Pray for our families; pray for our friends; pray for strangers; and pray for our enemies.

May the love of Christ be always in your lives.

De Colores,


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