Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Day After (4th Day 41)

He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. (Acts 1:3)

I have felt a little weird today and didn't know why; not really sad, but like something was missing or needed to be done or was being forgotten. I really didn't know what it was until I sat down to write and thought about what day it was. This is my forty-first 4th Day.

Why is that significant? Because for those original apostles, who saw and spoke with the risen Christ, this would be the day after Jesus' ascension, the second time He would be taken from them. And like them, I have just spent forty days after coming off the mountain with the risen Christ and can imagine how sad they felt for Him to leave them again. I was feeling displaced today because I miss Jesus.

Now, I know Jesus hasn't left me; He isn't gone. But how marvelous and confusing that time must have been. We have the benefit of experiencing all those things that went on at our leisure. We were taught them in Sunday School; we read about them now. But, we can pause the events at that time and resume when we want. For the disciples of Jesus, everything was happening real-time. Jesus promised "I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) but still, it must have left a void in their hearts to see Him depart.

So, now I know what was bothering me today. The Lord let me feel what His friends felt that day after. Though I know He is here with me now, those disciples would not know that right away. They must have missed Him deeply.

One final thought: How did I spend the last forty days? I know I have been close once again to Jesus since coming off the mountain, but did I spend every moment basking in His Glory like I should have been? If I could do it over, what would I do better? How many of those original disciples asked themselves those questions?

The Blessing we have is knowing that Jesus is here and walks with us every day. Let's not take that for granted, but use every opportunity to please Him and bring Him glory. Walk with Jesus every day as if it was one of the first forty.

May God bless you and keep you.

De Colores,


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