Thursday, October 27, 2005

The First Stone (4th Day 39)

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." (John 8:7)

I heard a TV reporter say today that a professional woman athlete (I don't remember her name) had come "out of the closet" and admitted that she was gay. As a result, a certain endorser (again, I don't remember who) said that they will stop endorsing her because they no longer consider her a role model for young girls.

That statement bothered me. I asked myself, what made her a role model to begin with? Did anything else change besides her revealing her sexual preference? Did she stop doing the things that made her a role model to begin with?

Let me say that I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle and know that it is considered detestable before God (Leviticus 18:22). However, careful study of the Bible will show that there are other sins that are just as offensive, if not more so, to God (based on the number of times they are addressed in the Bible). For example, and I know I'm taking a big risk here, are the sins of adultery and divorce. Adultery and divorce are abhorred by God because they are betrayal of trust and love and destroy the relationship that God intended for a man and woman--they are counter to God's Will. Jesus speaks out specifically against divorce. God, in the Old Testament, likens Israel's turning to other gods as adultery.

I am not judging anyone, I'm just pointing out that if this athlete had gotten a divorce instead of announcing her sexual preference, it's likely she would have kept her endorsements. Lance Armstrong's divorce doesn't seem to hurt his popularity or endorsement by the Postal Service or Subaru. However, God doesn't differentiate sin. Sin is sin and is punishable with death. The only unpardonable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31).

I am not suggesting that we treat homosexuality as normal or acceptable, because God's Word clearly says it is not. However, while we are called to discern right from wrong, we are not called to judge others. Why am I talking about this? Well, because I've had to do a lot of soul searching over the years as I have worked with gay people and have relatives who are gay. While at one time I was much more intolerant of homosexuality, God has softened my heart. I once did a study of the Ten Commandments which revealed to me the depth of my sin. Since then, I've had to ask myself, if God has forgiven my sins, what arrogant assumption can I make that I am entitled to judge others.

Let me be clear, so that I am not misunderstood. We are to discern right from wrong; we are to judge behavior and actions. We are to take action to protect the innocent and helpless. But we are not called to judge others the way God would judge. Only God, Who sees into our hearts, can see what is there. God judges what's in our hearts and we cannot see into the hearts of others.May God keep me ever so humble to remember these words.

God bless you.

De Colores,


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