Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Strength and My Song (4th Day 38)

The LORD is my strength and my song

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The LORD is my strength and my song appears at least three times in the Bible; in Psalms, Isaiah, and Exodus. In Exodus, it's a verse in Miriam's song. In Isaiah, it's a song of praise. In Psalms, it's repeated again as a song of praise.

What motivated those early writers to say such a thing. (Well, of course it was God.) But really, it's the cry of the heart in praise to God that He is our strength to move us to action, and our song to calm our agitation.

That became apparent to me today as I felt unexplainably agitated over I don't know what. Maybe it was the morning commute. Maybe it's a decision I have before me. Maybe it's the Accuser up to his old tricks. But whatever it was, when a praise song came on the radio I was calmed by the lyrics. Interestingly, I later read how David would sing to Saul to calm him in his nightmares.

God really is everything to us. When I read in the Old Testament the verses that depict God with such emotional imagery, I feel as though they are my own words. Those ancient ancestors of ours felt the same way we do (or it's us that feel as they did), which convinces me (among other things) that God is alive and real and here right now!

We haven't changed because God hasn't changed. We have the same craving to praise God as humans have from the beginning of creation. God is the beginning and the end; the first and the last; the Great I Am. He is our strength and our song. Amen.

Peace be with you.

De Colores,


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