Friday, October 28, 2005

The First Stone Part II (4th Day 40)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I’ve made an appointment with the doctor to treat a chronic condition that I have. It’s called “foot-n-mouth” disease. It’s been pointed out that I say some really stupid things sometimes. I think it’s because I think faster than I write and I assume other people can read my mind and fill in the blanks without me.

I re-read what I wrote yesterday and realize that I had a flare-up of the disease. I never intended to offend anyone with my discussion about divorce. It grieves my heart to think that I may have hurt any of you by my careless words. So, please forgive me and let me try to be clear about what I meant to say--actually, what I failed to say.

It is true that the Bible speaks against divorce. But the Bible also speaks against anger, hatred and injury to others. And while the Word of God does speak against divorce, I know that there are situations when divorce is the best course of action. I’ve written about anger before; it grieves the spirit. Remaining in a relationship plagued with anger, hatred and abuse cannot be the Father’s Will. There is no biblical basis for it.

Jesus said divorce is permitted in cases of adultery. Paul said it is permitted when a non-believing spouse abandons a believing spouse. The law says that abandonment can be either physical or emotional (constructive abandonment, in legal terms). In either case, divorce is justified and permitted.

I am not qualified to offer advice on marriage or divorce. I am no counselor. I’m not ordained and cannot speak for the church. But I do read the Bible and God’s grace and mercy and love is consistently displayed throughout. God loves each and every one of His children (that’s us) and wants us to be happy. I truly believe that. Jesus said he came that we might have life and have it abundantly.

I love you all and pray your forgiveness if I have caused anyone pain.

De Colores,


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