Monday, October 24, 2005

Missed Opportunity (Our Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth 4th Days)

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds you well! I am writing for both yesterday and today. I missed writing yesterday because I was driving home from Hoboken, NJ and got home very late. And today has had its distractions that almost kept me from writing again. But, even if this is short, I want to write to let you know that I think of you every day. Writing everyday, though sometimes met with difficulties, has become a comfort and I feel it when I have missed a day.

Yesterday, my son and I went with his team from Clinch Academy ( to the 10th Annual North American Grappling Association championship tournament. Luke Rinehart, a brother in Christ, is the founder of Clinch Academy, a martial arts school. When my son Mike started Jiu-Jitsu about a year ago, I had no idea that his teacher would be a Christian, and was a little concerned about any influence by eastern mysticism that Mike might be exposed to. Gladly, that was never a problem. But more so, Luke demonstrated that you could reveal your faith to others through your actions and words. At a time when public display of faith is often scrutinized, it's good to see Christianity demonstrated outside the home.

Today, I learned something in my 4th Day that we should always remember--don't pass up the opportunity to wish someone Godspeed. I had a co-worker today that had to drive down to Wintergreen for a conference. As he left, I was going to say "travel safely" but was busy and didn't. I felt regret at the time for not saying something. A short time later, he came back to the office after being hit by a hit and run. Only his car was damaged, thank God, but it made me think about how I almost said something.

The point is that we should never pass up the opportunity to wish someone well. Remember, we are in the world, but not of the world, to be Christ's voice to others. I sometimes forget that or think it's unimportant (actually, I don't think anything when actually I should always be ready for the Lord).

I could go on tonight, but it's late and I have to get up so early. I will try to start earlier tomorrow night.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

De Colores,


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