Friday, September 30, 2005

Our Twelfth 4th Day

Good Brothers,

I am not going to give up on writing you. Think where we were two weeks ago! And think what happened over that weekend! It was such a blessing to be there and be with you. It was a very significant event in our lives. I hope you are still inflamed by it. I know my embers have cooled from time to time these last two weeks, but I trust in the Lord that He is waiting to use me for His Good Purposes.

When I read the story of Joseph in Egypt and how he spent years in prison as an innocent man, I wonder if I would have had his patience. So, if I feel things are happening as fast as I would like them, I have to stop and remember that God's time is not my time, and God's mind is not mine. God will use us in His Good Time. So, let us remain steadfast and ever waiting on the Lord.

May the Peace of Christ be with you always!


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Our Eleventh 4th Day

The Peace of Christ be with you!

I hope our eleventh 4th Day finds everyone still strong in the Lord. It's a challenge sometimes to remember the things we talked about as to how we should view others. My patience wears thin sometimes. But, thanks be to God, I remain patient with my family. And the blessing is that my son is now doing things that I used to have to yell at him about without my saying anything. I need to remember that.

But now I realize that I need rest. When tired, I'm not a good servant. So, good night, my brothers. May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.

God bless,

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Our Tenth 4th Day

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:22)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Our Ninth 4th Day

Praise God, from Whom all Blessings flow.
Praise God, all creatures here below.
Praise God above, ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Our Eighth 4th Day

I skipped over days 6 and 7, but wanted to keep things going. I've sent out another reminder to people that provided their email address to join. We now have seven members (counting me and my daughter). I have to be patient and realize that not everyone lives on their computer like I do.

The Walk continues. I happen to be listening to Pilgrim's Progress on books on tape (CD). The interesting thing is that it is so contemporary, but was written in or around 1640 when Paul Bunyan was in prison for religious reasons. It goes back to what I said once before that humans don't change.

Please comment or start your own discussion. I'm sure there are questions you have or other things you want to talk about. I am eager to hear from you.

Take care. De Colores.


Friday, September 23, 2005

Our Fifth 4th Day

The work week is over and I survived! Praise Jesus and give glory to his Holy Name!

It has been a good week. Every time I feel challenged, I tell myself that I am here to do God's Will and bring honor to His Name. With that in mind, I slow down my tongue. Not so quick to criticize or let loose, though I am still challenged.

I've decided to add a book list to this site. I am adding some books I've read that I have found personally rewarding and encourage you to add to the list. I'm setting it up to link the books to so you can read more about them. If you find one you want, I suggest you check out Ollie's first! Here's the link to the book list: Great Books

May the Peace of Christ be with you!


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Our Fourth 4th Day

Wow! A week ago tonight we pilgrims were probably having second thoughts. I know I was. But I am a totally (well, almost totally) different person than I was a week ago. I don't over react with my son. I do things for my wife without her asking (more than once). And, you know, it feels good. I feel my life is abundant with good things.

These daily writings (if I keep them up) will become a journal for me. But it will also become a journal for all of us if we participate. I'm going to keep praying that more will join soon.

Go to go.

YBIC. De Colores,

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Our Third 4th Day

God is Good, indeed!

Well, the third 4th Day proved that if you resist the Devil, he will flee you. My commute, though more complicated with 4 accidents this morning and 3 this evening, all on 270, was not nearly as stressful. I was also driving my "slow" car. When I drive my GTI, I'm a little more aggressive. Hmmm, are fast cars the work of the Devil? Hope not!

One more thing. Remember, the Devil and his demons are not omnipresent beings. Only God is omnipresent. If you resist the Devil, he'll leave you to seek out easier targets. As a servant of our Lord Jesus and doing His work, you may be a more meaningful target for Satan, but not an easier target (if you resist him).

Peace in Christ.

De Colores,

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Our Second 4th Day

Dear Brothers,

May the Peace of our Lord Jesus be with you!

Well, I sinned only about 100 times today, most of which was during my morning and evening commute. Since I live in Middletown (Maryland) and work in Falls Church (Virginia), there are ample opportunities for that Ole Devil to distract me from God's Will (that is the definition of sin, isn't it?).

Seriously, what I am discovering is that when I am under stress or fatigued (like in a hurry or really tired), I am my weakest in resisting the Devil. I had some less than nice thoughts about a couple of idiots (oops!) other drivers. I guess the important thing is to recognize these situations and confront them. Scripture tells us (somewhere) to resist the Devil and he will flee us.

At the peak of tonights frustrating commute, I looked in my mirror and there was a lady with a front license plate that said "Jesus". (She was not one of the irritating drivers.) Was it coincidence? I calmed down after that.

And since it is getting late, I'm going to rest.

Your brother in Christ,
Bill Adams

Monday, September 19, 2005

Our First 4th Day

Dear Brothers in Christ,

May the Peace of our Lord Jesus be with you!

I have been waiting all day to write to you on this 4th Day. I am so thankful and glad to have met all of you and spent the those three days of my life with you. I have not had such an experience in 34 years, when I first submitted myself fully to Jesus. (BTW, Jim, I was one of the original "Jesus Freaks".) I truly believe I have graduated into the next phase of my Christian life.

I want to know how your first 4th Day was. I can tell you that I felt under spiritual attack almost immediately after stepping off the Mountain. But, I praise God that He sent His angels immediately to surround and protect me. Also, I was expecting it! We are now a greater threat to Satan and he is going to do a full court press against us. But let's remember that and prepare: Pray, Study the Word, and Fellowship! (Actually, Paul has a much more eloquent list of armor, but I don't remember which is the breastplate and which is the helmet.)

So, I have been moved by the Spirit to share these things with you as encouragement in case you experienced the same spiritual attack, or to forewarn you that it might be coming. I have also created a website where we can share our experiences, joys and concerns with each other. I will be sending you an invitation to join the site (which I am requiring since I have been hacked on other sites I have set up). It's a simple site that will allow us to post messages for all to see and respond to, as appropriate. That way, we can ask each other questions and give our answers, suggestions, or opinions. I am hoping that you will find it beneficial.

I know we have some brothers that need our help (btw, I'm one of those brothers). Let's help and encourage each other. The only downside is that I don't have everyone's email. So, maybe you can share this information with those brothers you know that don't use the Internet and we can use old fashioned mail.

Your brother in Christ,
Bill Adams