Friday, September 30, 2005

Our Twelfth 4th Day

Good Brothers,

I am not going to give up on writing you. Think where we were two weeks ago! And think what happened over that weekend! It was such a blessing to be there and be with you. It was a very significant event in our lives. I hope you are still inflamed by it. I know my embers have cooled from time to time these last two weeks, but I trust in the Lord that He is waiting to use me for His Good Purposes.

When I read the story of Joseph in Egypt and how he spent years in prison as an innocent man, I wonder if I would have had his patience. So, if I feel things are happening as fast as I would like them, I have to stop and remember that God's time is not my time, and God's mind is not mine. God will use us in His Good Time. So, let us remain steadfast and ever waiting on the Lord.

May the Peace of Christ be with you always!



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