Sunday, January 22, 2006

The 4th Day Continues (4th Day 125)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It's been a very long time since I last wrote to you. Something has been missing in my desire to write. I've had nothing I wanted to say. I feel like the seed that was cast on thin soil, grew quickly and then withered. I was the hare in the Tortoise and the Hare. I want to tell you that "I'm back!", but I'm not going to make a promise that I may not keep.

Instead, I just want to say that I have thought of you from time to time. I have not forgotten you; I just didn't know what to say.

At the Gathering in October, I mentioned how I knew that my enthusiasm would be attacked. Well, it was. But it was so subtle that I didn't see it coming. You see, I'm an impatient person and I expect everything to happen suddenly. That is a weakness of mine. When things don't happen suddenly or obviously, I often miss them. That's what has happened. I have allowed my enthusiasm to wane because I didn't see immediate results.

I've learned a lesson. The lesson is to obey. I wanted to see things happen according to my schedule, my will. (Hmmm, sounds like Judas!) I became disobedient by not sincerely seeking God's Will (or if I did, I chose to overlook it). I've allowed myself to become distracted by focusing on other things. The problem with that is that when God talks to you, it's easy to ignore Him. I have forgotten the things I wrote about before: daily study of God's Word, fellowship, and continuous prayer.

But while I may have drifted off course, Jesus never left my side. He never abandoned me. He was always there, speaking to me through the Holy Spirit, guiding me back on course. However, I could be stubborn! And while God could have become angry, He didn't. He was patient and merciful and forgiving and loving. He has reawakened the Spirit within me. This time, however, I will take things a day at a time and call on God continually.

While I want to and will try to write often, I may not. I'm not going to make promises for the future that I cannot see. I am going to listen to God's Will (with His help), instead of following my own.

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

It is a blessing to know the Lord and to serve Him, to be chosen. I pray that I will not squander that blessing. Let's pray for each other that we will be refreshed by the Holy Spirit daily so that we may serve the Lord gladly.

God Bless you and keep you.

De Colores,


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