Monday, September 19, 2005

Our First 4th Day

Dear Brothers in Christ,

May the Peace of our Lord Jesus be with you!

I have been waiting all day to write to you on this 4th Day. I am so thankful and glad to have met all of you and spent the those three days of my life with you. I have not had such an experience in 34 years, when I first submitted myself fully to Jesus. (BTW, Jim, I was one of the original "Jesus Freaks".) I truly believe I have graduated into the next phase of my Christian life.

I want to know how your first 4th Day was. I can tell you that I felt under spiritual attack almost immediately after stepping off the Mountain. But, I praise God that He sent His angels immediately to surround and protect me. Also, I was expecting it! We are now a greater threat to Satan and he is going to do a full court press against us. But let's remember that and prepare: Pray, Study the Word, and Fellowship! (Actually, Paul has a much more eloquent list of armor, but I don't remember which is the breastplate and which is the helmet.)

So, I have been moved by the Spirit to share these things with you as encouragement in case you experienced the same spiritual attack, or to forewarn you that it might be coming. I have also created a website where we can share our experiences, joys and concerns with each other. I will be sending you an invitation to join the site (which I am requiring since I have been hacked on other sites I have set up). It's a simple site that will allow us to post messages for all to see and respond to, as appropriate. That way, we can ask each other questions and give our answers, suggestions, or opinions. I am hoping that you will find it beneficial.

I know we have some brothers that need our help (btw, I'm one of those brothers). Let's help and encourage each other. The only downside is that I don't have everyone's email. So, maybe you can share this information with those brothers you know that don't use the Internet and we can use old fashioned mail.

Your brother in Christ,
Bill Adams


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