Sunday, November 06, 2005

Resist the devil (4th Day 49) Part 2

Dear brothers and sisters,

In my last message, I said I felt my church was under spiritual attack. Before anyone calls 911, let me clarify that I asked for prayers preemptively. I do not feel that my church is ill. As a matter of fact, I think it is very healthy and vibrant. But because of that, I feel that it may be the focus of the devil's attack.

So many good people work hard to make my church a blessing to the community and those who attend. I pray for God's sustaining grace for those saints of the church and that He would send His angels to watch over and protect those who are doing His will in the church.

We should pray for each other and each other's churches always. God hears our prayers.

May God bless you and watch over you.

De Colores,


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