Monday, October 17, 2005

Our Twenty-ninth 4th Day

This is our Twenty-ninth 4th Day, but the First 4th Day for WV89. Let us keep them in our prayers that they will be sustained by their Walk experience. We should seek them out and encourage them in their continuing walk as so many have done for us.

When Moses spoke to the Lord on Mount Sinai, his face would become radiant with the Glory of the Lord. He would have to veil his face from the Israelites because they were frightened by what they saw.

When I think of what it was like when I first came off the mountain, I wonder if I didn’t seem a little frightening to others—I wonder if we all didn’t. You don’t come off the mountain unchanged.

These past four weeks have shown us what can be expected. There will be times of doubt and discouragement, but also times of strength and fulfillment. The Lord reveals Himself if we call on Him and stay quiet enough to listen. He shows Himself if we are careful to look for Him. He opens the Door, if we knock.

I found the notes I wrote down when we were told in our last session that we needed to answer two questions: What has this Walk to Emmaus meant to me? And, what am I going to do about it? Do you remember your answers? I’m glad I wrote mine down to remember what I thought. Here’s what I wrote down:

This walk to Emmaus has answered my prayers for renewal, reunion with Christ, and restoration to holy living. Therefore, I am going to live God’s Will aggressively as He reveals it to me; pray continuously for my family, friends, strangers, and enemies; and resist the Devil that he would flee me!

May the Peace of Christ comfort you.

De Colores,
Bill, WV88


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