Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Face of God (4th Day 30)

When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen.
(Exodus 33:22-23)

Have you ever imagined? Have you imagined what it would be like if God appeared before you? In spite of my wanting to see God's face, I'm afraid I would fall flat, trembling before Him. I don't think we can really imagine what it will be like. Not really.

Simply in talking with God, Moses had to cover his face from people when he came off the mountain. God's glory had penetrated Moses so that he radiated it to others and their sin retreated from it. Jacob wrestled with God in the dark. And as dawn approached, God ended the struggle because He knew that Jacob would surely perish if he were to look upon His face in the light. In the Transfiguration of Jesus, His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. (Mark 9:3)

God's Word tells us that to look upon the face of God would cause a person to die. I believe that's true. Being directly exposed to the physical glory of God would be all consuming, like a consuming fire. It would be brighter than all the stars in heaven compressed together at once. I really don't think our physical bodies could withstand it. These are all images of God’s glory. How amazing it will be!

As I read what I have just written, I realize that I am no longer writing about my 4th Day experience. Instead, I’m presenting scripture and pondering what it means. Perhaps it’s because I have a passion for the Word of God, and it nourishes me to talk about it. But I don’t know how helpful that is when I’m supposed to be talking about our 4th Day.

But, maybe that’s what the 4th Day is all about: Continuing to walk the Walk. Continuing to walk with the Lord every day. For me, that means seeking to know God more fully by exploring His Word in prayerful study, by writing about it, by discussing it with others. God has given us His Word that we may know Him better.

So, if I digress from time to time, please be patient and know that I try to follow where the Lord leads.

Peace be with you.

De Colores,


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