Saturday, October 15, 2005

Our Twenty-seventh 4th Day

Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD :
"I will sing to the LORD,
for he is highly exalted...
The LORD is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him..."
Exodus 15)

I believe many people go to church for the wrong reasons (and no reason is a wrong reason). Many go to church out of habit or routine, a sense of obligation, to be seen by others, personal gain, whatever. None of those, by themselves, are good reasons (and some are absolutely wrong reasons). I believe (and please disagree if you think I'm wrong) that we should go to church to worship. First and foremost, we should willingly (though not always easily) go to worship our God and Father.

And, worship is physical!

When Moses crossed the dry bed of the Red Sea with the Israelites, Miriam sang before the Lord. When David brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, he danced before the Lord. When the Heavenly Hosts announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds, they sang praises.

Worship should move us. It should stimulate our hearts and minds toward the Lord. That is why I personally prefer our contemporary service. It is music driven! It causes us to make a joyful noise before the Lord. It invigorates our souls! A church without a healthy music ministry is a dying church.

I know that the demands of ministry can be great. We have many ministers in our churches who give to their ministries more than they realize. It’s doubtful that they are able to enjoy what they do as much as we do. It’s doubtful that we tell them enough how important they are to us.

But let me offer encouragement to those ministers. Remember, you are serving the Lord. You are doing His Will. Know that though you may be attacked by the demons of Discouragement and Doubt, of Depression and Disillusionment, the Lord is with you—He is your strength and song. And I thank you for all you do.

God loves you.

De Colores


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