Saturday, November 12, 2005

He is Lord of All (4th Day 55)

I'm sorry that I missed the Gathering tonight. I hope it was a joyous time for those who went. I will certainly be ready for the next one!

Isn't it amazing how God works! I dropped my son off at his youth group meeting tonight and they were going to talk about Ruth. Last week, they talked about Rahab. I don't know what was said last week or what will be said this week, but it reminded me of one of the most amazing stories (in my opinion) in the Bible.

Rahab was the prostitute that gave asylum to the two Hebrew spies that came to Jericho. Because of that, Rahab and her household was spared when the rest of Jericho was destroyed. Rahab became the mother of Boaz. Ruth, the daughter-in-law of Naomi, would not abandon her mother-in-law and followed her to her home with her people. Because of that, Ruth met Boaz and they married. They had a son they named Obed, who was the father of Jesse. Jessie is the father of David, who God promised would always have a descendant on the throne in Israel. Matthew opens his Gospel with the genealogy of Jesus, tracing it back to Abraham. On the way, Rahab is mentioned as the mother of Boaz.

Why is this significant? Because it shows the mystery and wonder of God's great plan. What if Joshua and Caleb had not returned to Moses enthusiastic about entering the Promised Land? Moses would not have appointed Joshua to carry on after him. Joshua would not have had the authority to send spies into Jericho. Rahab would not have offered them asylum, would not have been spared, would not have been mother of Boaz. Are you beginning to get the picture?

God has a marvelous and wonderful plan for all of us who choose to love Him. His ways are mysterious. He will use us for His Good Purpose. Be prepared to be used by the Lord. You are His now. I will pray that God sustain you as you do His Will. Be patient; be still; be ready!

De Colores,


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