Sunday, November 13, 2005

Blessed Day (4th Day 56)

Eight weeks! It seems so long when it's really so short. 56 days is longer than it took God to flood the earth; it's longer than Jesus was tempted in the wilderness; it's longer than the time between the Resurrection and Ascension; it's longer than the season of Lent. (I gave up beer for Lent one year--40 days can be a long time!) But it's really no time at all in the great scheme of things.

The point is that I was changed during my Emmaus Walk and the changes have stuck. That's remarkable and encouraging. I've never been one to stick with some things for a long time. Perhaps it's a touch of ADD that I may still have. But in this case, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I have been able to remain committed to the changes that occurred in me on the mountain. That is proof enough to me that the Lord is in my life stronger than before.

I still have my challenges and temptations to resist, but as I've said before, resist the devil and he will flee you (actually, someone else said that and I'm strongly agreeing). Following the Lord becomes easier the more we do it. Just like anything else, practice and training makes you stronger and better at what you are doing.

I'm saying these things as a reminder and to give thanks to the Lord for His patience and His sustaining grace. The Lord has been good to me. What a blessed day!

Love in Christ.

De Colores,


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