Saturday, October 08, 2005

Our Twentieth 4th Day

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The day of our gathering and I almost didn't make it, but thank the Lord that I did. It was so good to see everyone. Though it has been only three weeks, it seemed much longer. You know, I'm not a very social person really. I get along well with people (I think), but outside of my family I really don't have people that I hang out with. However, you are people that have come into my life that I would like to spend time with. I want to hear from you and tell you what I've done. You encourage me.

Steve Brown makes me laugh. His story tonight is so true. Isn't it amazing that we have such a personal God that He would take interest in each and everyone of our lives? That He would actually intervene in our lives? But God has been doing that forever! He did it to Jonah; He did it to Moses; He did it to Gideon. I could go on and on about how God has become personally involved in the lives of His children.

I chose Jonah, Moses, and Gideon because they stand out in my mind as reluctant servants. One didn't understand God's mercy and patience. One didn't think he was eloquent enough. One didn't think he was big enough. They all had reasons to resist God's call, but that didn't stop God from using them exactly the way He wanted to. That's the thing about God; His promises don't depend on us. His Word endures forever. His promises are eternal. Thank Goodness for that!

I am sure we all are going to have days of challenge and days of rejoicing. Even Paul struggled with the flesh. So let us never doubt God's love and promise to us. We must strive to serve Him, but when we falter, let's not lose heart. Get back on course right away and don't give the Devil a foothold to keep us off course.

Again, it was good to see everyone tonight. For new people, go to my 4th Day website at and sign up. I have added a page for prayer requests. Visit it often and let's join in the prayers of each other.

My the Peace of Christ be with you.

De Colores,


Blogger JettaRed said...

This one is for Steve Brown (and the rest of us).

Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

3:34 PM  

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