Thursday, October 06, 2005

Our Eighteenth 4th Day

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

A couple unexpected diversions kept me from starting earlier tonight, so I will keep this short. My daughter lost her skink tonight (a lizard that looks like a bratwurst with legs), so I had to go over to her place and help her look for it. It's also my wife's high school class reunion and I had to find pictures of the family, etc. at the last minute so she could take them with her to New York. Still, I wanted to write. Reminding you daily of the commitment we all made to our Lord may be my mission for now, so I have to take it seriously. To mature in our faith, we must do (at least) five things: study God's word; pray continuously (or at least very often); worship regularly; fellowship with each other; and serve the Lord.

I feel like the Emmaus Walk was like a graduation from one phase of our lives to the next "grown up" phase. I don't know how to really explain it, but it's the next part of the maturing process. Spiritual maturity is not a linear thing like physical age. It happens as we are ready for it to happen and are called by God. God knows when we are ready, even if we don't. So, remain steadfast in the Lord.

Good night.

God bless,

P.S. Looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday!


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