Sunday, November 20, 2005

I long for that day (4th Day 63)

Dear brothers and sisters,

What shall I do? I want so much to talk to you, to share our continuing walk, to bask in the spiritual warmth that I came off the mountain with. But, it's not there. I guess the mountain top high couldn't continue forever. Though I want it to, I feel like it has diminished, disbursed like a fog before the rising sun.

But, is that to be unexpected? I don't know. I think the wonder we feel when we are close to God is but a glimpse of heaven. God is near us always and hasn't abandoned us, but this life, this imperfect world is not heaven. In heaven, we will always be in the physical presence of the Lord; we will look upon His face and worship Him continually. I long for that day.

God tells us not to despair. He tells us through His Word that there will be times when we feel lonely, abandoned, frightened. For whatever good reason, God allows this. Perhaps it's because we chose to disobey and rebel against God that the consequences of those actions are separation from Him. Remember, God cannot (will not) co-exist with sin. Therefore, in this world and life, we will feel the emptiness of that separation from God from time to time. Perhaps that separation creates in us a hunger to be near God and to return to Him.

It is the promise of reconciliation with the Father through the Blood of the Son and the sanctifying works of the Holy Spirit that we find our hope and joy. That promise, which cannot be broken, is our hope. Our faith satisfies the hunger we feel. Jesus' loving touch heals our brokenness.

I pray that we never become complacent with the assurances of our faith, but rather pursue the promises of faith as we would pursue a loved one. Seek the face of the Lord daily. Talk to God about everything. Tell Him when He has brought you happiness, and tell Him when you need His embrace. Protect the promises of our faith as if they were of gold and needed safekeeping. Protect them by continually seeking them in the Word of God. Study God's Word prayerfully. Devour it with an insatiable hunger. Walk with God.

May God Bless.

De Colores,


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