Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Our Thirty-first 4th Day

Our Thirty-first 4th Day! No matter how you look at it, it's been a month. I've said a lot; I haven't said enough. There is so much more to talk about. There are a lifetime of days to tell about how great Christ is, how good God is! About the struggles and challenges we face every day and how the Holy Spirit is there to guide and direct us (too bad we don't always listen).

It doesn't seem like it's been a month already. I guess, like everything else, the weeks have become months and the months will become years. I hope to keep writing to you all every day. I know that will not (likely) be possible, but I'm going to try. I figure that as long as the Lord allows me to write, I will. God's Word is an endless source of inspiration for me. (It's really more than that, but I don't know how to express in words what I mean.) God's Word is living; it is God-breathed.

Sometimes the words come easy, and sometimes not so easy; but they always come. I wonder what it was like for Paul to write to the early church. He had to base everything he wrote on ancient scripture and personal experience. And I think those two factors weighed evenly with each other; his knowledge of scripture gave perspective and understanding to his personal experience.

I’m reading The Book of God by Walter Wangerin, Jr. It’s the Bible as a novel. While it is an excellent representation of the Old Testament and the Gospels (and I highly recommend it), it is but the aroma of a marvelous meal. It is like driving by Outback or Carrabbas and smelling the good food (if you like those restaurants), but not tasting or eating it. Only the Bible itself is the sustaining meal. (However, The Book of God is well worth reading. It presents the events of the Old Testament in a very readable form.)

Well, already I’ve said a lot. None of it what I thought I would say when I thought this morning about what I would say tonight. But, that’s how it goes sometimes. I will make note of other things I want to talk about for those days when I have nothing to say. Until then, may the Peace of Christ keep still your hearts and minds.



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