Monday, February 06, 2006

Re: Freedom of Speech Islamic Style

Dear Bill,

Thanks so much for being the voice of the Believer and calling us to remember Jesus in all we do.

After reading several news articles concerning the Muslim response to the cartoons of Mohammed, I felt moved to comment. While I disagree with their actions, I agree with their outrage over the mockery of what they hold sacred. It's the same feeling I have everytime I see the blasphemous depiction of the Ichthus with legs and "Darwin" in the body of the fish on someones trunk lid, or the mockery of my faith by Hollywood with such shows as "The Book of Daniel".

The Scriptures warn us not to mock the spiritual world, and we shouldn't. But what distinguishes Christianity (hopefully) from other world religions today is that God calls us to pray for our enemies (as hard as that may be). We must remember that those who would mock Christianity (as well as other religions) have no fear of God and are lost. We should pray for God's mercy on them and that He would call them to Him.

While I don't know when our Lord will return, I do know that we are one day closer then we were yesterday.

Peace in Christ,

---- The Daily Jot <> wrote:
> The Daily Jot
> Monday, February 6, 2006
> Greetings in the Name of Him Who Is Truth!
> Muslims around the world are rioting. In Indonesia, over 300 protestors stormed the European Union embassy. In Gaza, Palestinian gunman scaled the walls of the EU offices, closing them until further notice. Some 400 Islamic students burned the French and Danish flags in Pakistan. Angry Muslims are threatening to kidnap French, Spanish, Danish and Austrian citizens. Already, Islam is boycotting businesses associated with the European Union. And several EU countries are recalling their diplomatic corps to avoid threatened violence in Islamic nations. What ever could have sparked such a chain of events? A cartoon of founder of the Islamic cult, Mohammed, originally printed in a Danish newspaper.
> The militant reaction to a Danish newspaper printing several cartoons of the prophet Mohammed was only inflamed as newspapers in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Austria and others followed suit and reprinted many of the cartoons. One of the cartoons showed Mohammed with a bomb strapped beneath his turban. Seems as though the European newspapers are a bit fed up with Islamic militancy and are making the point that they can print what they want in the name of freedom of speech. But the enraged Muslims are seeing blood because it is considered blasphemous to make images of the prophet Mohammed—as if they needed an excuse to rape, pillage and kill.
> Europe has appeased Islam for so long, that the militant cult becomes outraged when the European free press makes a point through satire. So much for the love of Allah. But the riots late last year across Europe after two boys, who thought they were being chased by police, were electrocuted when they hid in a high voltage box were just the beginning of many a problem Europe will face with its fast growing Islamic population. Mark Steyn, a syndicated columnist for the Wall Street Journal recently said that Islamic countries are having babies at a rate four to five times that of Europe, which is in a population decline. And Islam is moving into Europe as the fastest growing immigrant population.
> Steyn predicts that by 2010, the European population will be more Islamic than European and that riots in the streets will be commonplace. Already Europe has taken in 20 million Muslims and in Britain more Muslims attend religious services each week than do Christians. In Jeremiah, the Lord speaks of the Babylonian judgment where an immoral society is desolated. Europe and the United States have a lot of Babylonian characteristics. The Lord says in Jeremiah 51:14, “Surely I will fill you with men, as with locusts, and they shall lift up a shout against you.” Locust often meant Ishmaelite, the forefathers of the Arabs, because they consumed the land like locusts and moved on. Time to turn to Christ and his salvation.
> Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
> Bill Wilson
> Word of Life Ministry